The Natural ForcesTM, an intuitive epic

✨✨ Since the dawn of time, human beings have sought to understand themselves, and to understand each other. In ancient times, they scrutinized the stars or read in the shadows on the walls of the caves, animated by the glow of fire. Later, they invented complex theories, classifying humans according to their rites, their mood or even the lines of their hands. But one day, when the modern world seemed to have cataloged and explained everything, a revelation arises in the heads of some iconoclastic dreamers. This idea took root in the simplest observation possible: in the middle of their experimental garden, they guessed that the wisdom sought for so long was found, not in distant galaxies or abstract concepts, but in the humble vegetables that grew before their eyes. Twelve Natural Forces emerged from their meditation, each embodied by a distinct vegetable, each representing an archetype, a specific profile of the human personality. Just as vegetables follow their own growth rate, each being flourishes according to its deep nature. The Natural Forces are a playful invitation to introspection, to rediscover our connection with the organic, and then to get to know ourselves better through them. Like seeds carried by the wind, that they spread, rallying hearts and minds always in search of inspiration and magic. Join the adventure and discover what Natural Force lives in you! 🌱

A ✨ magical ✨ quiz to reveal
your Natural Force 🌱